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Shaan Puri: "He graduated from Duke 4 years ago...And You Won't Believe What Happened Next."

Shaan Puri is the 2014 Alumnus of the Year. Since graduating from Duke 4 years ago - Shaan founded award-winning (and money losing!) startups before finding a home in Silicon Valley. Today, he is CEO of Monkey Inferno, a 20-person startup lab based in San Francisco. Their job is simple - dream up ideas for startups, then build them into existence. Monkey Inferno is building 4 startups at oncein-house, which explains why he has grey hairs on his 26 year old head. Their startups currently valued over $10M, and have been featured as a company to watch by WSJ, TechCrunch, and Apple. Shaan is visiting Duke to talk about the things he wished he knew when he was at Duke!

Contact: Faisal Khan