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Duke Network Analysis Center (DNAC) Social Networks and Health workshop

Event Image
Monday, May 22, 2017
All Day

The workshop will be held at Duke University from May 22-26, 2017. The Social Networks and Health workshop will cover topics in social network analysis related to studying health behaviors, including:
¿ Data collection
¿ Ego network analysis
¿ Diffusion and peer influence
¿ Respondent-driven sampling
¿ Network visualizations
¿ Causal inference
¿ Exponential random graph models (ERGM)
¿ Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models (SAOM, or Siena models)

and will include guest lectures on:

IRB considerations for network data collection
Challenges with respondent-driven sampling (RDS)
Causal Inference and design of social network-based interventions

Each lesson will be illustrated with a lab section showing how to analyze network data in R. The target audience is health researchers familiar with regression analysis who would like to learn how to incorporate network analysis into their research.

Contact: Jim Moody