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Duke Men's Project Learning Community Interest Form Available

Event Image
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
All Day

WHAT: A 9-week community interrogating masculinity through an intersectional lens
WHO: Male-identified or masculine-of-center Duke students
(non masc students can fill out this form to join our Advisory Board)
WHEN: Mondays 7 - 8:30 PM (February 8 - April 5)
HOW: Fill out 11:59PM ON Sunday, January 31

Our curriculum is:
Week 0 - Introductions
Week 1 - Intersectional Feminism
Week 2 - DMP in context
Week 3 - SOGiE
Week 4- Taking Up Space
Week 5 - Violence and Language
Week 6 - Sex, Porn, and Sexuality
Week 7 - External Accountability
Week 8 - Internal Accountability

The Duke Men's Project is a student-run organization committed to
- Better understanding how masculinity exists both on and off our campus - often in toxic ways - and begin the work of unlearning harmful behaviors.
- Examining the ways we present - or don't present - our masculinities, both consciously and subconsciously.
- Exploring masculinity in relation to other identities, such as sexual orientation, race, nationality, and socioeconomic status
- Challenging masculine privilege
- Exploring how masculinity affects those who are not men, and how we can all push ourselves to be more accountable and to effectively stand with marginalized groups.

Contact: Brian Glucksman