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Syncopated Resonances: Ethnography in/of Fractured Times (Session 1)

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Thursday, October 01, 2020
9:00 am - 10:00 am

Moderator: Yun Emily Wang, Assistant Professor, Ethnomusicology, Duke University

Speaker(s): Deborah Kapchan, Professor, Performance Studies, New York University

Cassandra Hartblay, Assistant Professor, Anthropology, University of Toronto Scarborough

Ethnography happens through bodily engagement with people and the world. However, the capacious role of body in mediating and medicated ethnography often remains marginal in how ethnography is imagined and pursued. How can we listen and perform ethnography when we can no longer assume continuities of time, space and identities? What does our fractured forms of being and belonging in the current moment teach us about mediated forms of (dis)abilities? How does engagement with the body allow us to imagine ethnography in new ways? How might we lean into the affordances of syncopations-offset time- in a moment already marked by disjuncture?

This two-session event (October 1 and 5) is an experiment in form. All sessions will be recorded, with a possibility for broadcasting later. Registered participants can join us for either of, or both, the sessions.

Contact: Jamal Quick