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Water and Climate Change in Africa Workshop

This will be a two-day workshop on Water and Climate Change in Africa. March 22 (Day 1)(World Water Day)will focus on discussion around Water, sanitation and health in Africa. March 23 (Day 2) will focus on water, food security and climate change. More specifically, the workshops will address how climate change could affect water availability and quality in Africa and hence food security; how climate change will affect the long-term health impacts of rural communities as water availability and quality shift; what coping mechanisms communities have to deal with the health effects of inadequate water quality and climate change impacts; and how socio-political variables such as governance institutions and rules mediate food insecurity and health impacts. These workshops are also expected to generate knowledge about how water, health, and climate may or may not be linked to development and poverty in Africa. Participation will be limited to provide an atmosphere conducive to developing new and exciting collaborative research projects. To register to participate in the conference, please visit 'more information'.Unable to attend in person? Follow the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #AfricaWorkshop.