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Found 118 events
Rebecca Wahls and poster for Good with seven women holding a thumbs up

Artist-in-Residence Rebecca Wahls “GOOD"

Sponsor(s): Theater Studies
students move mulch from a wheelbarrow to orange buckets

Community Work Days

Sponsor(s): Duke Campus Farm
Rebecca Wahls and poster for Good with seven women holding a thumbs up

Artist-in-Residence Rebecca Wahls “GOOD"

Sponsor(s): Theater Studies
Duke GI Grand Rounds Logo Above Campus Clinic Building Picture

Duke GI Grand Rounds

students move mulch from a wheelbarrow to orange buckets

Community Work Days

Sponsor(s): Duke Campus Farm
butterfly emerging from chrysalis, text: Melanated Chrysalis

Melanated Chrysalis: Dance MFA thesis event

Sponsor(s): Dance Program
Event Image

How to Handle Difficult Conversations

Headshot of Giorgio Biancorosso; a map of Asia; background image of a music mixing board; text (event series, sponsor, speaker, title, date, time, location)

Remixing Wong Kar-wai: Music, Bricolage, and the Aesthetics of Oblivion

student with books and graphics Info Session Fridays

Graduate Liberal Studies Information Session

students move mulch from a wheelbarrow to orange buckets

Community Work Days

Sponsor(s): Duke Campus Farm
solo dancer with altar, video screen and collage of flowers

welding borderlands | soldando las tierras fronterizas: Dance MFA thesis event

Sponsor(s): Dance Program
Event Image

Playhouse Shorts

Sponsor(s): Theater Studies and Duke Players
Duke GI Grand Rounds Logo Above Campus Clinic Building Picture

Duke GI Grand Rounds

students move mulch from a wheelbarrow to orange buckets

Community Work Days

Sponsor(s): Duke Campus Farm
Headshot of Professor Kirsten Cather; descriptive text (event title, date, time, location, series, sponsor); background: an impressionist painting of a person with their hand on their jaw

Scripting Suicide in Japan (book talk)

Duke campus exterior shot of David building

GI Journal Club

students move mulch from a wheelbarrow to orange buckets

Community Work Days

Sponsor(s): Duke Campus Farm
Event Image

Shabbat Across Campus

Sponsor(s): Jewish Life at Duke
A woman looks down with another person's thumb placed on her forehead.

Ash Wednesday Service

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Duke GI Grand Rounds Logo Above Campus Clinic Building Picture

Duke GI Grand Rounds

students move mulch from a wheelbarrow to orange buckets

Community Work Days

Sponsor(s): Duke Campus Farm
CoPilot to Autopilot

Copilot to Autopilot: Beginner’s Guide to Microsoft Copilot

More Events (40 of 118)