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Found 145 events
DUKE CHAPEL X 12/11/2024 X
Organ demonstrations at Duke Chapel

Organ Demonstration

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Organ demonstrations at Duke Chapel

Organ Demonstration

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Photo of candles. Text: Advent Lessons and Carols

Advent Lessons and Carols

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Sunday Morning Worship Service

University Worship

A Duke Chapel docent gives a tour of the Chapel.

Public Tour of Duke Chapel

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Choir members singing in Duke Chapel

Choral Evensong Worship Service

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Organ demonstrations at Duke Chapel

Organ Demonstration

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Photo of people in Duke Chapel. Text: Christmas Open House

Duke Chapel by Candlelight: Christmas Open House

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Organ demonstrations at Duke Chapel

Organ Demonstration

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Sunday Morning Worship Service

University Worship

A Duke Chapel docent gives a tour of the Chapel.

Public Tour of Duke Chapel

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Photo of candles. Text: Children's Christmas Even Service

Christmas Eve Children's Service

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Photo of candles in Duke Chapel. Text: Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Photo of candles in Duke Chapel. Text: Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service with Holy Communion

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Photo of Duke Chapel decorated for Christmas. Text: Lessons and Carols.

Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Sunday Morning Worship Service

University Worship

A Duke Chapel docent gives a tour of the Chapel.

Public Tour of Duke Chapel

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Sunday Morning Worship Service

University Worship

A Duke Chapel docent gives a tour of the Chapel.

Public Tour of Duke Chapel

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Photos of choir members singing. Text: Epiphany Lessons and Carols

Epiphany Lessons & Carols

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Four stacked keyboards of the Flentrop organ.

Organ Demonstration

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Four stacked keyboards of the Flentrop organ.

Organ Demonstration

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Four stacked keyboards of the Flentrop organ.

Organ Demonstration

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Sunday Morning Worship Service

University Worship

A Duke Chapel docent gives a tour of the Chapel.

Public Tour of Duke Chapel

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Choir members singing in Duke Chapel

Choral Evensong Worship Service

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Four stacked keyboards of the Flentrop organ.

Organ Demonstration

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Four stacked keyboards of the Flentrop organ.

Organ Demonstration

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Four stacked keyboards of the Flentrop organ.

Organ Demonstration

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Group of people in church in daily clothing

Tonality: America Will Be

Sponsor(s): Duke Arts
Sunday Morning Worship Service

University Worship

A Duke Chapel docent gives a tour of the Chapel.

Public Tour of Duke Chapel

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Four stacked keyboards of the Flentrop organ.

Organ Demonstration

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Four stacked keyboards of the Flentrop organ.

[Canceled] Organ Demonstration

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Four stacked keyboards of the Flentrop organ.

Organ Demonstration

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
A man with curly hair in a bun smiles with trees and stone walls in the background.

Artist Reception

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Photo of woman with scarf. Text: Sacred Choral Clinic.

Sacred Choral Clinic

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Sunday Morning Worship Service

University Worship

A Duke Chapel docent gives a tour of the Chapel.

Public Tour of Duke Chapel

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Choir members singing in Duke Chapel

Choral Evensong Worship Service

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
More Events (40 of 145)