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Found 41 events
LSRC D106 X 11/28/2022 X
Rajiv Gandhi will speak at the Jan 30 Duke CS Colloquium - From Potential to Promise: Developing Scholars, one Eureka moment at a time

From Potential to Promise: Developing Scholars, one Eureka moment at a time

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
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Relational Affordance Learning for Robot Manipulation

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Mitigating Technology Abuse in Intimate Partner Violence and Encrypted Messaging - Triangle CS Distinguished Lecturer Series Feb 27 with Cornell Associate Prof Thomas Ristenpart

Mitigating Technology Abuse in Intimate Partner Violence and Encrypted Messaging

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Triangle Computer Science Distinguished Lecturer Series Mar 20 with UW CSE Prof Director Chair Magdalena Balazinska on Storing and Querying Video Data

Storing and Querying Video Data

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Duke CS Distinguished Alumni Lecture Mar 21 with Google Research Senior Staff Research Scientist and Team Lead Alex Beutel on Building ML for All

Building ML for All

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Duke CS Distinguished Lecture Mar 27 with Microsoft Research Partner Researcher Robert Schapire on Convex Analysis at Infinity - An Introduction to Astral Space

Convex Analysis at Infinity: An Introduction to Astral Space

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Data Provenance and its Applications - Duke CS Distinguished Lecture Apr 3 with Margo Seltzer - Univ of British Columbia Computer Systems Canada 150 Research Chair and CS Cheriton Family Chair

Data Provenance and its Applications

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Duke CS Distinguished Lecture Apr 10 on Research Flywheel - from Basic Research to Production of 3 Distributed Systems with Distinguished Scientist at Chainlink Labs Dahlia Malkhi

Research Flywheel: from basic research to production of three distributed systems

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Beyond 5G Networks - Strategic Roadmap and R&D Prospects - Triangle CS Distinguished Lecturer Series Apr 17 with Univ of Washington Prof Sumit Roy

Beyond 5G Networks: Strategic Roadmap and R&D Prospects

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Duke CS Colloquium Sept 18 on Stable Approximation Schemes with Mark de Berg from Eindhoven Univ of Tech

Stable Approximation Schemes

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Duke CS Colloquium Oct 2 on Graph Learning for Intelligent and Efficient Reasoning with Rex Ying from Yale

Graph Learning for Intelligent and Efficient Reasoning

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Duke CS Colloquium Oct 24 on Teaching Abstract Ideas with Concrete Applications in Mind with Lorenzo Luzi from Rice

Teaching Abstract Ideas with Concrete Applications in Mind

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Duke CS Colloquium Oct 30 on Introduction to Hash Table and Undergraduate Research for Promoting Diversity in Computing with Tahiya Chowdhury from Davis Institute for AI and Colby College CS

Introduction to Hash Table and Undergraduate Research for Promoting Diversity in Computing

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Duke CS Colloquium Nov 1 on Binary Heaps and AP CS A Outreach Program with Eric Fouh, Assistant Practice Professor of Computer Science at UPenn

Binary Heaps and AP CS A Outreach Program

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Improving Privacy Communication Duke CS Colloquium Nov 2 with Mary Anne Smart of UC San Diego

Improving Privacy Communication

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Event Image

Prediction-driven Surge Planning with Application in the Emergency Department

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Duke CS Colloquium Nov 7 on TLS Basics - Understanding How Transport Layer Security Protects You Online with Dr. Melva James, Technical Consultant at Ab Initio Software

TLS Basics - Understanding How Transport Layer Security Protects You Online

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Duke CS Colloquium Nov 10 - ML Overview and Teaching Pedagogy for Computing Education with Trevor Bonjour, PhD Candidate in Computer Science from Purdue University

Machine Learning Overview and Teaching Pedagogy for Computing Education

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Jiawei Han, CS Chair and Professor UIUC presents Data Mining Will Be Reborn with Large Language Models at the Triangle CS Distinguished Lecturer Series Jan 22

Data Mining Will Be Reborn with Large Language Models

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Rohit Singh, Assistant Professor of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, Cell Biology, and ECE at Duke

Machine Learning for Precise Diagnostics and Therapeutics

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Tim Roughgarden, Columbia Univ CS Professor

The Mathematics of the Computer in the Sky

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Shibo Li PhD Candidate, University of Utah, Kahlert School of Computing, Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute

Physics-Motivated and Inspired Probabilistic Learning

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Dr. Peter Yichen Chen of MIT CS and AI Lab (CSAIL)

Neural PDE: Towards AI-Enhanced Physics Simulation

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Shuyan Zhou, CMU Language Technologies Institute

Solving Real-World Tasks with AI Agents

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Adrian Perrig, CS Professor at ETH Zurich, Switzerland

The SCION Inter-Domain Routing Architecture

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Tim Dettmers from University of Washington

Accessible Foundation Models: Systems, Algorithms, and Science

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Dan Fu of Stanford University

Hardware-Aware Efficient Primitives for Machine Learning

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Lifu Huang

Bridging the Modern Language Modeling with the Complex Open World

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Shibo Li, University of Utah

Physics-Motivated and Inspired Probabilistic Learning

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Hongyuan Mei, TTIC

Flexible Reasoning with Large Language Models as Informal Logic Programs

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Ratul Mahajan, UW-CSE

Network Verification: Lessons Learned and Outlook

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Peter West, UW-CSE

Discovering Hidden Capabilities and Limits in Large Language Models

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Lorrie Faith Cranor, CMU

From Password Requirements to IoT Cybersecurity Labels: Informing Public Policy with Research

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Alex Tong, MILA and

Flow Models with Applications to Cell Trajectories and Protein Design

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Carol Smith, CMU

Implementing Ethics in Emerging Technologies

Sponsor(s): Computer Science