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Found 11 events
LSRC D106 X 02/13/2024 X
Dan Fu of Stanford University

Hardware-Aware Efficient Primitives for Machine Learning

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Lifu Huang

Bridging the Modern Language Modeling with the Complex Open World

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Shibo Li, University of Utah

Physics-Motivated and Inspired Probabilistic Learning

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Hongyuan Mei, TTIC

Flexible Reasoning with Large Language Models as Informal Logic Programs

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Ratul Mahajan, UW-CSE

Network Verification: Lessons Learned and Outlook

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Peter West, UW-CSE

Discovering Hidden Capabilities and Limits in Large Language Models

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Lorrie Faith Cranor, CMU

From Password Requirements to IoT Cybersecurity Labels: Informing Public Policy with Research

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Alex Tong, MILA and

Flow Models with Applications to Cell Trajectories and Protein Design

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Carol Smith, CMU

Implementing Ethics in Emerging Technologies

Sponsor(s): Computer Science