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Found 471 events
VIRTUAL X 03/24/2023 X
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AI Health virtual seminar: What are informatics and data science, and why do they matter in health?

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Duke-Industry Statistics Symposium (DISS2023)

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GI Grand Rounds

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Parametric controls and modular quantum computing in superconducting quantum circuits

Sponsor(s): Duke Quantum Center
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AI Health Spark Seminar Series: Driving AI Innovation with Synthetic Data in Longitudinal Imaging, Continual Leaning, and Federated Learning for Healthcare

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ABSN Admissions Open House

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GI Grand Rounds

SEC ACC Fair flyer

SEC / ACC Virtual Career Fair

Sponsor(s): Career Center
NFT Event Flyer

NFTs: The Business of Tech and Media

Sponsor(s): Career Center
Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds: Postoperative cognitive dysfunction

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ABSN Admissions Best Practices

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GI Grand Rounds: Cystic Fibrosis (CF): An early success for precision medicine

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Health Policy on the Hill: Networking in Washington D.C.

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds: AGS Poster Preview

Ivy Plus Flyer

Ivy+ Virtual Career Fair

Sponsor(s): Career Center

Resident Grand Rounds

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GI Grand Rounds: "Post-COVID 19 Disorders of Gut-Brain Interactions"

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AI Health Virtual Seminar: Using Multimodal Data and AI to study Post-Traumatic Epilepsy

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics/Palliative Care Combined Grand Rounds

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AI Health Virtual Seminar: What’s important in the ethics and safety of artificial intelligence in health?

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GI Grand Rounds: "Subepithelial Lesions: Getting Beneath the Surface"

Club EvMed logo with "Virtual Evolutionary Medicine Conversations"

Club EvMed: From evolution to improved gene therapy and diagnostics

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AI Health Virtual Seminar: A Guide to Conducting a Successful Computer Vision Project: Insights from Duke AI Health Fellows

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NIA Clin-STAR Webinar: Imposter Thoughts and Career Development, let's talk about it

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Stress First Aid Training - Virtual

Examples from the Field Advancing Community Engaged Research Practices at Duke

Examples from the Field | Pediatrics Supporting Parents Initiative: A Community Co-Design Process

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AI Health Spark Seminar Series: A Transparency- and Trust-Centric Design Approach to AI for Healthcare

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AI Health Virtual Seminar: Data bias is the roadblock to realizing the promise of AI in healthcare

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds: Geriatric Nephrology

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AI Health Virtual Seminar: Challenges in Bring-Your-Own-Device Design-based Digital Health Studies to Develop Reliable and Generalizable Artificial Intelligence Tools for Healthcare Application

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GI Grand Rounds

Duke Eye CME logo

Resident Grand Rounds

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GI Grand Rounds

Farm Bill: Climate and Agriculture

Agriculture and Climate in the Farm Bill

Sponsor(s): Duke in DC
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AI Health Spark Seminar Series: Towards solving breast cancer diagnosis with deep learning

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds: Reflections of a second year fellow

Spring 2023 Speaker Series: Rural Transformations. Religion and Development. June 20, 2023, 9:00-10:30 AM EDT, online. Duke Center for International Development logo. Center on Modernity in Transition logo. Headshots of Emma Tomalin, University of Leeds, and Arash Fazli, Devi Ahilya University.

Rural Transformations: Religion and Development

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds: Dr. David Nace, University of Pittsburg Geriatrics

Spring 2023 Speaker Series: Rural Transformations. Local Knowledge, Global Change. June 30, 2023, 10:30am-12:00pm EDT, online. Duke Center for International Development logo. Center of Modernity in Transition logo. Headshots of Miguel Altieri, University of California, Berkeley, and Rich Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.

Rural Transformations: Local Knowledge, Global Change

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds: Overview of Geriatrics & Gerontology

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds: Dispositional Capacity

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds: Division of Geriatrics Education updates

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Transitioning to SciENcv biosketches: A session for NSF researchers

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PROMISE Study Lunch and Learn for Underrepresented Biomedical Researchers

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GI Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

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GI Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning for the Gastroenterologist

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Critical Care Grand Rounds - "The evolution of Angiotensin II & RAAS dysfunction in vasodilatory shock"

Lauren Hunt

Dying with Dementia: Is Hospice the Answer?

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds: Division Research Updates

More Events (80 of 471)