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Found 167 events
VIRTUAL X 05/30/2024 X
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Critical Care Grand Rounds - "Acute Kidney Injury"

Rural Transformations in the United States series. Importing the Right to Food. Friday, May 31, 2024, 10-11:30AM EDT. Speakers: Smita Narula and Joshua Lohnes.

Importing the Right to Food

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds: Works in Progress Studio

Duke GR Logo

Duke GI Grand Rounds

Duke Hospital

Critical Care Grand Rounds - Title TBD

Rural Transformations in the United States Series. What does rural have to teach us? Friday, June 7, 12:45-2:30 PM EDT, speakers: Brooks Lamb and Grace Olmstead.

What Does Rural Have to Teach Us?

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds: Growth Mindset and Foundations in Feedback Culture

Duke GR Logo

Duke GI Grand Rounds

Data Integration Working Group logo

Pepper Center Data Integration Working Group (DIWG)

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Critical Care Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds: Feedback - Important Considerations for Programs

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Critical Care Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds: Point of Care Ultrasound

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Duke University, Pratt School of Engineering Virtual Graduate School Bootcamp

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Pepper Center Data Integration Working Group (DIWG)

Rural Transformations in the United States Series. Revitalizing Land-Grant Universities. June 28, 1-2:30 pm EDT. Speakers: Ricardo Salvador and Margiana Petersen-Rockney.

Revitalizing Land-Grant Universities

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Geriatrics Grand Rounds

students and faculty posing with text about the event over the image

Occupational Therapy Summer Discovery Day

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Geriatrics Grand Rounds

LBO Model Virtual Workshop. Interested in a career in private equity, investment banking, or acquiring and running a company? July 8-12, 3pm to 3:45pm EDT virtual. Learn to create a leveraged buyout (LBO) financial model, a key Excel tool used in private equity investing. Open to the entire Duke community.

LBO Model Virtual Workshop

Rural Transformations in the United States Series. Imagining New Property Relations. Thursday, July 11, 12:00-1:30 PM EDT. Speakers: Jed Purdy, Jessican Shoemaker, Anne Eisenberg.

Imagining New Property Relations

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Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Virtual Information Session by Duke Population Health Sciences

Population Health Virtual Information Session

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Geriatrics Grand Rounds

waving panda with Canvas logo

Introduction to Canvas

waving panda with Canvas logo

Designing Your Canvas Site for Student Success

panda waving with Canvas logo

Assessing Student Learning in Canvas

panda waving with Canvas logo

Accessibility in Canvas

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Geriatrics Grand Rounds

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Geriatrics Grand Rounds

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Geriatrics Grand Rounds

waving panda with Canvas logo

Introduction to Canvas

waving panda with Canvas logo

Designing Your Canvas Site for Student Success

panda waving with Canvas logo

Assessing Student Learning in Canvas

Virtual Information Session by Duke Population Health Sciences

Population Health Virtual Information Session

panda waving with Canvas logo

Accessibility in Canvas

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Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Images for medical center logos and headshots of panelists

Young Physician-Scientist Series: How to Fund A New Research Lab

More Events (40 of 167)