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Found 9579 events
03/20/2023 X
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Classes Resume (8:30 AM)

Sponsor(s): Registrar's Office
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Emotional Intelligence: The Emotionally Effective Leader

CSPD logo: two right-facing arrows, one navy and one teal

Career Coach Online Office Hours for Engineering Master's Students

Geriatrics Grand Rounds

Geriatrics Grand Rounds: Death Certification

Deliberative Dialogue sponsored by the NCLiteracyCorps

Deliberative Dialogue

Smith Warehouse with OUSF NCS Banner

Fellowships @ 4:00PM

Triangle Computer Science Distinguished Lecturer Series Mar 20 with UW CSE Prof Director Chair Magdalena Balazinska on Storing and Querying Video Data

Storing and Querying Video Data

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
English conversation club

English Conversation Club

Spanish converation Club

Spanish Conversation Club

Duke GLobal Education Office of Undergraduates

Group Info Session

Koman Ortho Grand Rounds

Grand Rounds: A Firm Grasp of the Obvious

Studying away with accommodations

Studying Away with Accommodations

CSPD logo: two right-facing arrows, one navy and one teal

Career Coach Online Office Hours for Engineering Master's Students

Duke CS Distinguished Alumni Lecture Mar 21 with Google Research Senior Staff Research Scientist and Team Lead Alex Beutel on Building ML for All

Building ML for All

Sponsor(s): Computer Science
Join us March 21st at 12:30 p.m. for a discussion on "The Growing Use of AI in the Judicial System" with Professor Paul W. Grimm

The Growing Use of Al in the Judicial System

Children planting seeds in a raised bed while supervised by an adult

Naturalist Classes for 6-9 Year Olds: Planting Seeds

Sponsor(s): Sarah P. Duke Gardens
Image of colored plastic caps. Text: "Student Showcase: Confronting the Plastics Crisis through Applied Research & Outreach. Hear about ongoing projects from Duke undergraduate and graduate students in biology, economics, engineering, environmental management, fine arts, and law. Tues., March 21, 3:30–4:45 p.m. ET. Ahmadieh Family Grand Hall (Gross 330) OR via Zoom. Free snacks! Details and register:" Logos for Nicholas Institute and Plastic Pollution Working Group.

Student Showcase: Confronting the Plastics Crisis Through Applied Research and Outreach



Sponsor(s): Duke Arts and DukeCreate
Duke Global Education Office for Undergraduates

Drop-in Advising

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Latter-day Saint Student Association

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
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Reformed University Fellowship

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Surgery Grand Rounds

How to Assess Quality in Surgery

Duke Anesthesiology Grand Rounds

Joint Anesthesiology and Surgery Grand Rounds - How to Assess Quality in Surgery

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GI Grand Rounds

Duke Dermatology Grand Rounds

Pearls from the Academy

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Train the Trainer 2: Designing Training

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So Many Transactions, So little Time! Navigating the SAP GUI & Duke@Work

More Events (60 of 9579)