Reflection and Connection

Catching Our Breath During a Challenging Season
The holiday season can be a busy, stressful, and isolating time for many. Personal Assistance Service (PAS) is hosting three "Reflection and Connection" sessions that will use storytelling as a means of reducing stress and creating a stronger sense of connection with yourself and others.
Sessions will utilize the practices of Mini Mental Makeover and Expressive Writing to reflect and nurture empathy and a sense of meaning in response to stress - whether personal, professional, or related to current events or
the stress and pressures (and joys) of the holiday season.
Writing exercises are for the sole use and benefit of participants, who are not required to share anything they write.
• Tuesday, Nov. 26: 4-5 p.m.
• Tuesday Dec. 17: 4-5 p.m.
• Tuesday Jan. 14: 4-5 p.m.
Registration Required:
A zoom link will be provided prior to each session.
Duke Personal Assistance Service (PAS): | 919-416-1727