Understanding the Impact of Exposure Patterns on Population Risks from Combined Exposures to Multiple Chemicals
Our first speaker for the Spring 2018 seminar series, on Jan. 11, is Dr. Paul Price. This seminar series will be held on Thursdays this spring from 11:45 am - 1:00 pm in Field Auditorium, Environment Hall, on Duke's West Campus.
Dr. Price is a computational exposure scientist in EPA's National Exposure Research Lab. He is a leader in the use of simulation models to characterize chemical exposures and resulting risks. Dr. Price has more than 100 publications in this area. The abstract for his talk is below:
While many researches have investigated the toxicity of chemical mixtures, comparatively little effort has been devoted to the investigation of cumulative exposures or how such data can be used in cumulative risk assessments. This talk explores the use of exposure information, presenting a metric, the Maximum Cumulative Ratio, and a number of techniques for visualization large exposure datasets. The techniques are demonstrated in 1) a study of cumulative risks of pesticides for aquatic receptors, 2) a study of cumulative risks from exposures to six phthalates in adults and children, and 3) an investigation on whether regulation of individual chemicals will protect from the effects of cumulative exposures.