Intro to R Training Session with Mark Yacoub
DUPRI will be hosting an Introduction to R Training Session. This 4-hour training (one morning and one afternoon session) will introduce you to the R environment for statistical computing. The class is suitable for beginners who have never used R and is geared toward users of Stata. (You must RSVP to attend this event)
Prior to the training, please download and install R ( and RStudio ( on your laptop. If you need assistance with set up, please contact Mark Yacoub at Mark will also be available prior to the training at 9:30am to assist with installation.
Session Details
Date: Wednesday, December 6th
Location: Gross Hall, Room 230C
10:00 AM Morning Session: How to get started with R, creating and manipulating objects, loading and working with data.
1:00-3:00 PM Afternoon Session: Regression, graphics, and basic programming
This event is no longer open for registration. DUPRI will offer this training session again in the spring. Please contact to add your name to the waiting list for the spring session.