Global Compact for Migration (GCM) and Migration Conflicts: Towards an Indian and trans-Asian fusion or fission?

Continuously increasing international migration of labor - the highly educated as well as low to medium skilled workers - families, students and refugees - leading to the formation or expansion of diasporas in receiving societies on the one hand, and the ever-changing immigration and border controls in the destination polities on the other, marks the global scenario of international migration.
Analyzed by deconstruction of what Prof Khadria has called a "trinity of migration conflicts" - of the dynamics of "age, wage and vintage" interests between the sending countries in the Global South and the receiving countries in the Global North, what possible alternative scenarios do trans-Asian migration pose, particularly involving India - one of the largest source countries of international migrants - and the Indian sub-continent in South Asia (comprising Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives and Afghanistan) in the emerging context of GCM - the Global Compact for Migration 2018?
The seminar would be a talking point for speculating the possible impacts of GCM on the emerging trends and patterns of trans-Indian and trans-Asian migration. Can these impacts be optimized through what the UN called "mini-multilateralism", among the Asian countries - following a process that Prof Khadria has called the "Equitable Adversary Analysis" (EAA) - towards convergence or divergence of the so-called "mutual self-interests" would be a question that would be addressed.