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Promoting Life Course and Disparities Research: The CTSA Special Populations Core

Promoting Life Course and Disparities Research: The CTSA Special Populations Core
Monday, October 22, 2018
8:30 am - 10:00 am
Dwight Koeberl, MD, PhD, Heather Whitson, MD, MHS and Paula Tanabe, PhD, MSN
Children's Health & Discovery Initiative: ¿Great Minds Think for Kids¿ Seminar and Brainstorming Series

The Duke Clinical and Translational Sciences Award (CTSA) Special Populations Core facilitates research that promotes health equity for populations that have traditionally been under-represented in health research or excluded altogether.
Dwight Koeberl, Heather Whitson, and Paula Tanabe will provide an overview of the aims of the core and discuss efforts to build a network of researchers across Duke to harness existing research and expertise to strengthen our capacity to study health across the life course and to reduce and eliminate health disparities.

Contact: Jillian Hurst