Practice Remote Interviewing [Registration required]

Employers are more frequently using phone and video interviews to meet students. Are you prepared? Schedule a practice remote interview with an industry professional or Duke alumnus and gain experience and feedback on how to master this interview format. This event is open to all undergraduate students.
The deadline to register for this event is Monday, January 28, at midnight. On Tuesday, January 29, you will receive an email with the name and contact information of your interviewer. Upon receiving this notification, you are expected to contact your interviewer to set up a date, time, and format (phone, Skype, etc) for your interview. Our interviewers are quite busy, so they will likely be unavailable during late hours and on weekends. Professionalism in your communications with your interviewer will be part of your evaluation.
Students are expected to schedule and complete interviews by Tuesday, February 12, at midnight. The Career Center will not be providing space or equipment for these interviews. Students are responsible for finding a suitable location and for obtaining the necessary equipment.
NOTE: Please disregard the "Workshop End Time" on this event posting. Students will have until Tuesday, February 12 to complete their interview.