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Film and Conversation: El Camino | The Path

El Camino film: two children wait at a restaurant
Monday, March 22, 2021
3:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Ishtar Yasin

A film screening and "conversation" with director Ishtar Yasin on the effects of internal and intrastate migration (Nicaragua - Costa Rica). Presented during the open class Central American Migration with professor Emil Keme (UNC-CH Romance) and Miguel Rojas Sotelo (Duke, CLACS) moderating the conversation.

El Camino (The Path), 2008, is Ishtar's opera prima that features the road trip of two desperately poor Nicaraguan kids in search of their absent mother. It becomes an other-worldly journey with echoes of The Night Of The Hunter. Costa Rican director Ishtar Yasin's impressive debut, which screened in the Forum, features two astonishingly believable and watchable child actors, and a mature grasp of cinematic technique and structure, which keep The Path suspended in the hinterland between cine-verite realism and dreamlike quest for most of the film.