Duke Dance Program Spring Dance Series - Preparing Grounds: Portals and Portability
The lynching of Black bodies was a ritual gathering. ..trees as witnesses of these acts of terror...in several African diaspora spiritual traditions, "practitioners recognize forests, rivers, and oceans as natural resources embodying spiritual subjects" (Concha-Holmes, 2012)...what might we imagine as held memories by these spiritual subjects? how do we create points of access, or portals to engage in acts of remembrance and recovery? we are preparing grounds to reclaim, re-consecrate, re-articulate, restore, remember and reimagine liminal spaces as accesses to restoration...points of contact between the world of what is seen and unseen realms.
Members of the Duke African Repertory Ensemble are joined by Indigo Yard Gals. Faculty Work: Ava LaVonne Vinesett.
Live-streamed April 12@Noon https://vimeo.com/event/874209/5c9ba8b767
In-person viewing in the Rubenstein Arts Center, Murthy Agora Commons, Studio 129, April 12 - 23, open to Duke students, faculty, and staff, following SymMon protocols Mon - Fri :: 12 - 6pm, Sat-Sun:: 1-6pm.