Arabic Medicine Conquers Latin Europe, 1050-1300: Methods and Motives

The Kenan Institute and the Duke Library will hold a two-day symposium on 1-2 November 2018 entitled "Arabic Medicine Conquers Latin Europe, 1050-1300: Methods and Motives," showing how the accomplished Arabic medical writings of the medieval Middle East and Spain were discovered, translated, and assimilated by a previously wholly unsophisticated European world. The symposium will mark the opening of the exhibition of Arabic medical manuscripts at Rubenstein Library.
A keynote lecture by Prof. Cristina Alvarez Millán of the UNED (Madrid), "Arabic Medicine in the World of Classical Islam: Growth and Achievement" will open the symposium and exhibition on the evening of November 1. A reception will follow. On Friday, November 2, two panels will track the astonished Europeans as they encounter and assimilated that medicine.