DukeCreate Workshop: Ceramics

Reserve your seat in this workshop by enrolling here:
If the event is full, you will be added to the waitlist.
About the instructor:
Lyn Riggs
I am an Art teacher with over 20 years' experience. I've taught all grade levels within NC Public School systems and Continuing Education courses at Wilson Technical Community College. Last year I started working with DukeCreate and I truly enjoy sharing my love of clay with both children and adults through various opportunities such as workshops and Professional Developments.
What is DukeCreate?
DukeCreate is a free arts workshop series for the Duke community taught by local artists and students in the MFA|EDA program. Workshop topics emphasize skill development and practical experience in ceramics, screen printing, painting and drawing, photography, and digital media. DukeCreate is sponsored by the Office of the Vice Provost for the Arts (DukeArts) and University Center Activities and Events (UCAE), in cooperation with the Arts Annex, duARTS, VisARTS, and #artstigators.
How much does the workshop cost?
Workshops are free to all Duke students and staff, with priority given to students. Class size is limited. Students must sign up in advance at https://training.oit.duke.edu/dukecreate. Walk-ins will only be accommodated on a space-available basis.