Keynote Luncheon with John Abowd
"Stepping-up: The Census Bureau Sets an Example of How To Be a Good Data Steward in the 21st Century" by John Abowd - Chief Scientist and Associate Director of Research and Methodology - U.S. Census Bureau
... We are all in this data-rich world together and we all need to find solutions to the problem of how to publish information from these data while still providing meaningful privacy and confidentiality protections to the providers. Fortunately for the American public, the Census Bureau's curation of their data is already regulated by a very strict law that mandates publication for statistical purposes only and in a manner that does not expose the data of any respondent--person, household or business--in a way that identifies that respondent as the source of specific data items. ... Internet giants, businesses and statistical agencies around the world should also step-up to these challenges. We can learn from, and help, each other enormously."