Celebrate Duke Health's Tobacco Free 12th Anniversary this July 12th with LIVE FOR LIFE @ Duke at the Farmers Market
Sponsor(s): Live for Life (LFL)
Celebrate tobacco cessation this July and Break the Habit with LIVE FOR LIFE's Tobacco Cessation Program. Learn how to quit, whether going "cold turkey" or using tobacco cessation aids. Find free, Duke-led programs to fit your needs. The LFL Staff will be available to speak with employees about how to quit and how to help others quit. For more information visit our website or dial 919.684.3136 option #1. LIVE FOR LIFE will be at the Farmer's Market July 12th raffling off a $100 Omega Sports gift card, Monuts gift card, and others!
Contact: Ed.D 919-681-0504 Nicholas Beresic