Duke SOM - Getting Promoted in the Clinical Sciences

Interested in learning about the process and requirements for promotion and tenure in the clinical sciences at Duke? Join the Office for Faculty for an afternoon of APT. The sessions below are part of the annual School of Medicine Academic New Faculty Orientation, but all clinical junior faculty - regardless of whether they are new - are welcome to attend. Sessions will include a broad discussion of the APT process and timelines followed by a panel discussion with experienced clinical science faculty. See below for details.
¿ The ABCs of APT
September 19, 1:00-2:15pm
¿ Clinical Science APT Panel Discussion (Basic science session held separately)
September 19, 2:15-3:30pm
The introductory presentation will include an overview of the promotional pathways and the requirements for promotion on each track. Participants will be encouraged to bring questions for the panel.
**If you are already signed up for New Faculty Orientation you do not need to sign up for the APT session separately.