Challenges and Opportunities in Large-Scale Neuroimaging Studies of Brain Development
Ted Satterthwaite, MD, MA, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. His laboratory uses multi-modal imaging techniques in concert with machine learning and network science tools to understand both normal patterns of brain development and how abnormalities of brain development are associated with diverse forms of psychopathology.
Dr. Satterthwaite will discuss recent advances in understanding brain development using large-scale multi-modal imaging studies. Specifically, he will describe efforts to understand normative brain development using personalized measures of brain function, and integrate high-dimensional imaging data with clinical information using tools from machine learning. Additionally, he will outline the neuroinformatic infrastructure that is a prerequisite for such studies, and introduce next-generation efforts to aggregate, harmonize, and publicly share large-scale imaging data resources.
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