POSTPONED TO FALL 2020: Toward Precision Toxicology: Mechanisms Underlying Metabolic Effects on Chemical Toxicity

This seminar originally scheduled for April 2 will be postponed until Fall 2020 in response to COVID-19. The calendar and our website will be updated as soon as a new date for the seminar is confirmed.
Individuals respond differently to the same environmental exposures, such that among a population of exposed individuals, only a few will get sick. This interindividual variation in toxicity arises from some combination of genetics and environment (including pollutant exposures and lifestyle); Dr. Hartman's research focuses specifically on the role of metabolism in driving these differences. In this seminar, Dr. Hartman will discuss two major projects she is leading. In the first project, she is studying how differences in subcellular localization of the xenobiotic metabolism enzyme cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) can drive differences in toxicity from chemical exposures including acetaminophen and trichloroethylene. The second project is focused on how lifestyle factors such as diet and physical exercise can influence organismal energy metabolism and alter the vulnerability of the organism to chemical exposures. Both projects illustrate how differences in metabolism can underlie differential susceptibility to environmental chemical-driven pathologies.