From Myth to Man: Martin Luther King, An Interpretation

Created and presented by Duke Division of Student Affairs staff member Ira Knight-a playwright, producer, director, and author-this compelling and redefining one-man play features actor John Ivey as Martin Luther King.
A breathtaking performance by Ivey transforms the American civil rights and international human rights leader from mythical icon to authentic human being. From Myth to Man is an enlightening, thoughtful, and engaging presentation of the many complex facets of the man that are rarely exposed: human, father, husband, and brother.
This is not a mimicry, nor is it an impersonation effort. Rather, this original, thought-provoking performance inspires audiences to ask themselves the question, "What am I doing to make this world a better place?" Knight's play is the archetype of bridge and mirror theater, or art that connects and reflect us as human beings. Following each performance, the Ira Knight and John Ivey welcome questions and conversation with the audience.
From Myth to Man was featured on WUNC's "The State of Things," was supported by a six-month performance residency at the Carrboro Arts Center, and was broadcast on The People's Channel.
This event is part of Duke's 2020 MLK Commemoration, which includes a Sun, Jan 19, keynote program and other events free and open to the public.