Antibody Microarrays for Point of Care Detection from a Single Drop of Blood
Ashutosh Chilkoti will discuss a point-of-care diagnostic, that he and his team have developed, in which all reagents are printed and stored on a "non-fouling"-protein and cell resistant- polymer brush. The D4 assay involves four sequential events: (1) Dispense (droplet of blood); (2) Dissolve (printed reagents on chip); (3) Diffuse (across surface); and (4) Detect (binding event). The D4 assay consists of microarrays of printed on the polymer polymer brush yields quantitative results, with picomolar sensitivity within an hour. All reagents are inkjet-printed and stored on D4 chips, which do not require refrigeration. Upon application of a drop of blood to the D4 chip, analyte capture and detection on the D4 chip occurs automatically, generating an image of fluorescent spots that is imaged by a hand-held detector and quantified by an on-board App. The D4 assay can be used for the diagnosis of all markers for which antibody pairs are available, with a speed and sensitivity that is as good or better than commercially available point-of-care tests. The D4 assay is simple, cheap, rugged and does not require a cold-chain, attributes that make it attractive for global health applications.
Lunch will be provided. This event is part of Think Global, a weekly lecture series at the Duke Global Health Institute.