Duke Law Admitted Students & Alumni Reception - Washington, D.C.
Sponsor(s): Law School Alumni
Please join us for a special opportunity to visit with current and future students, alumni, faculty, and key members of the Duke Law community. We are delighted to share that Dean-designate Kerry Abrams will be attending. We hope you will join us for a wonderful evening celebrating Duke Law School! Beer, wine, and appetizers will be served.Special thanks to Andrew M. Ray A.M.'91, J.D.'91 and Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP for hosting. Specific location: Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, 1111 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20004. For additional information please contact Caitlin Shaw at caitlin.shaw@law.duke.edu. Coordinated by the Alumni & Development Office.
Contact: Caitlin Shaw