Modernism's Disconnections: A Symposium
This symposium explores new directions in the study of literary modernism by way of the fraught legacy of New Modernist Studies and increasingly globalized models of inquiry across the humanities. As scholars seek to expand modernist studies through multinational and translinguistic approaches, what disconnects, exclusions, and rifts are revealed?
1:30-2:30 "Disconnection in the Modernist Network"
Eric Bulson (Claremont Graduate University)
2:45-3:45 "Counter-Flows: Modernist Geo-aesthetics in an Age of Oil"
Nicole Rizzuto (Georgetown University)
4:30-6:00 Roundtable
Maud Ellmann (University of Chicago), Michael Moses (Duke), and Aarthi Vadde (Duke)
Organized by Kata Gellen, Cate Reily, Christoph Schaub, & Saskia Ziolkowski
Contact with inquiries.