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Effect of an Arsenic Mitigation Program on Arsenic Exposure in American Indian Communities: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of the Community-Led Strong Heart Water Study Program

Seminar speaker, Christine Marie George, smiling
Thursday, March 06, 2025
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Christine Marie George, PhD, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Integrated Toxicology & Environmental Health Seminar Series

Chronic arsenic exposure has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease; diabetes; cancers of the lung, pancreas and prostate; and all-cause mortality in American Indian communities in the Strong Heart Study. The Strong Heart Water Study (SHWS) designed and evaluated a multilevel, community-led arsenic mitigation program to reduce arsenic exposure among private well users in partnership with Northern Great Plains American Indian Nations. Delivery of the interventions for the community-led SHWS arsenic mitigation program, including the installation of a point-of-use arsenic filter and a mHealth program on the use of arsenic-safe water (calls only, no home visits), resulted in a significant reduction in urinary arsenic and increases in reported use of arsenic-safe water for drinking and cooking during the 2-y study period. These results demonstrate that the installation of an arsenic filter and phone calls from a mHealth program presents a promising approach to reduce water arsenic exposure among private well users.

THIS IS A HYBRID SEMINAR: In person and online via Zoom
This seminar will be held in Grainger Hall room 1112.
Visit the seminar website for a link to attend virtually.
Both attendance options are free and open to all.