Understanding and negotiating publication contracts

NOTE: Please register ahead of the event! There are limited seats available.
Whether you're publishing articles or books, once you're working with a publisher you'll be asked to sign a publication contract that lays out the rights and obligations you and your co-authors and the publisher will have going forward. Many authors sign whatever the publisher sends them, but you can and should read these contracts before you sign them, and ask the publisher for changes if there are things in them that don't align with your goals and interests or that are contrary to ethical and equitable practices.
In this workshop we'll provide an overview of the legal issues that underpin publication contracts (both copyright and contract law) and review sample publication contracts to identify what the different clauses of the contract do, as well as how to evaluate whether you might want to ask for changes when you're working with your book or journal publisher.
The workshop, offered via Zoom, will include a mix of lecture and group activities, and is eligible for 2 hours of Graduate School RCR credits and 200-level faculty and staff RCR