FHI 25| Experimentation, Incubation, and the Making of Humanities Labs: A Conversation with Deborah Jenson, Jenny Knust, and Victoria Szabo

Sponsor(s): Franklin Humanities Institute (FHI)
2024 marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute at Duke University. This year also coincides with the 100th anniversary of Duke. To mark these dovetailing anniversaries, FHI will host a series of conversations throughout the year engaging some of the most significant humanities scholars of our time - all formerly or currently affiliated with Duke - to historicize the University's significant investment in the humanities in the 1980s, reflect on what such investment made possible alongside national and international developments in the field, and propose future directions of humanities scholarship and teaching within and beyond Duke.
RSVP here.
Contact: FHI