The Saint John's Bible Interactive Lecture

Join Duke University for an interactive lecture on The Saint John's Bible-the first handwritten, illuminated Bible commissioned by monks in over 500 years.
Tim Ternes, director of The Saint John's Bible project, will discuss the Bible's creative process, team, and history and will also remark on the Bible's impact on a research community informed by tradition and innovation. The lecture will include guided imagery discussions on selected illuminations. Several volumes will be displayed throughout and after this educational and dynamic lecture. Community members, including middle and high school students, are encouraged to attend. The event is free and open to the public; no registration required.
This event is one in a series of events celebrating Duke University's reception of a permanent Heritage Edition of The Saint John's Bible. The Saint John's Bible is the complete text of the Bible, written on calfskin vellum using traditional tools and inks. As a work of sacred art, it ignites the spiritual imagination of all those who view its pages. The beauty, richness, and inspiration of The Saint John's Bible are not limited to those able to see the original pages in a museum setting. Because of the Heritage Edition, a masterpiece in its own right, people around the world can experience The Saint John's Bible. Limited to 299 seven-volume sets with 160 illuminations, the Heritage Edition of The Saint John's Bible is true to the scale, beauty, and artistic intent of the original manuscript.