Duke Center for Health Informatics: Automatic Discovery of Imaging Biomarkers in Histopathology

*Abstract coming soon The Informatics Research Seminar Series is sponsored by Duke University in collaboration with the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), North Carolina Central University (NCCU, Durham, NC,), University of North Carolina-Charlotte (UNC-C), East Carolina University (ECU, Greenville, NC), and Wake Forest University (WFU, Winston, Salem, NC). This series explores key areas in Health Informatics and include research results, overview of programs of research, basic, applied, and evaluative projects, as well as research from varied epistemological stances. All seminars begin at 4 PM, join from the meeting link: https://dukemed.webex.com/dukemed/j.php?MTID=m7be00763ac602659cfb654f12930989b Meeting number (access code): 2621 726 8279, Meeting password: 9HkF2XuJ3Sc