Oraliteragraphic and Mirror Visions in Contemporary Indigenous Literature and Media in Abya Ayala
part 2 of a colloquium presented by the Amazon Lab
Oraliteragraphic and Mirror Visions in Contemporary Indigenous Literature and Media in Abya Ayala
Monday, April 3, 2023 - 12:00pm-2:00pm
at Smith Warehouse, Bay 5, Amazon Lab
free lunch provided
RSVP at https://cutt.ly/translation
Miguel Rocha Vivas. Associate Professor. Chair Literature Program, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá
Paul M. Worley. Professor, Spanish and World Literatures, Department Chair Department Languages, Literatures & Cultures. App. State.
Both scholars are highly involved with oralitura from Mexico to Peru. They will be releasing the book Sbelel ch'ul K'opetik Ritual de Palabras presenting contemporary indigenous artists/writers and produced via participatory edition with Snichimal Vayuchil collective and mingasdelaimagen.org in Chiapas (in seven indigenous languages). A short video will follow the presentation.
More on the speakers:
see https://sites.fhi.duke.edu/amazonlab/event/translation-media-and-cosmopolitics-part-2/