Beyond 5G Networks: Strategic Roadmap and R&D Prospects
Join us for a Triangle CS Distinguished Lecturer Series (TCSDLS) live broadcast from NC State in LSRC D106! Snacks will be provided. Or attend via Zoom. TCSDLS is cosponsored by Duke CS, NC State CS, and UNC CS.
As Program Lead for Innovate Beyond 5G for the DoD OUSD Office of Research & Engineering, the speaker managed an annual research and prototyping portfolio in support of adopting 5G for the Enterprise and Innovating Beyond. Accordingly, this talk will be divided into 2 components:
1.) An Initial Overview of DoD 5G-to-xG R&D strategy, followed by a deeper dive into
2. Cellular V2X, notably performance aspects of Sidelink Mode-2 enabled ad-hoc networking, current status of Integrated Access & Backhaul (IAB) highlighting feature gaps and R&D opportunities.
The talk will conclude with distilling the impacts of the above as potential vectors for 5G+/6G and implications for 3GPP standards evolution beyond Rel-18.
Sumit Roy (Fellow, IEEE 2007) received MS and PhD degrees from the University of California (Santa Barbara) in ECE, as well as an MA in Statistics and Applied Probability. His previous academic appointments were at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, and at the University of Texas, San Antonio. His research interests and technology expertise spans analysis/design and prototyping of wireless communication systems/networks, with an emphasis on various 5G technologies. He is currently and Integrated Systems Professor and Director of the Fundamentals of Networking lab at the University of Washington. Read more: