Growth-rate measurement with type Ia supernovae

Speaker: Bastien Carreres
Title: Growth-rate measurement with type Ia supernovae
Measurements of the growth rate of structures have the potential to detect potential deviations from General Relativity. The growth rate can be measured using its link to the cosmological velocity field. In the past decade, the majority of growth-rate measurements were performed indirectly by using redshift space distortions on clustering. However, due to a lack of statistics, this method isn't precise at low redshift. An efficient method to measure the growth rate at low redshift is to directly estimates velocities from redshift and distance indicators. Until today the statistics of SN Ia was too law to be used in such analysis and galaxies were used as distance indicators. New generation of surveys will provide sufficient number of SN Ia to do the growth-rate measurement. In this talk, I will present our work on the growth-rate measurement using SN Ia simulation from the ZTF survey.