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The Cost of Health Inequities

2023 HCC Lecture
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Dr. Jay Bhatt, Neal Batra and Andy Davis
60th annual Harriet Cook Carter Lecture

The current U.S. health care system is feeling the burden of health inequities at the cost of approximately $320 billion, a cost that if not addressed by 2040, will increase to $1 trillion. Join leading experts from Deloitte Dr. Jay Bhatt, Neal Batra, and Andy Davis as they discuss their recent report Breaking the Cost Curve and how new business models, technological breakthroughs, and a change in regulations can improve the future of healthcare. Dean Vincent Guilamo-Ramos will join them for this discussion and highlight the role of nursing in addressing health inequities, expanding health care delivery, and reducing cost.

In person: Duke University School of Nursing
Virtual: Zoom (more to come)