PROMISE Study Lunch and Learn for Underrepresented Biomedical Researchers

Sponsor(s): PROMISE Study - Peer Mentoring
The PROMISE Study - Informational Sessions - Lunch is on us!
Early Career Faculty and Postdocs who identify as racially/ethnically underrepresented and are engaged in biomedical research can enroll. Our next cohort is planned for Aug 2022. The study involves peer group mentoring with discussions facilitated by senior underrepresented researchers with the goal of enhancing scholarly output and academic advancement. Learn more during a virtual information session and meet our research team (and receive a $20 gift card to Vimala's or Foster's!)
• Information sessions (virtual) - August 18 or August 19 from 12 - 1 PM: RSVP
• Can't attend the lunch? Contact us
Contact: Rebecca Kameny