Anomalous spin polarization from turbulent color fields in heavy ion collisions

Di-Lun Yang (Academica Sinica)
We study the important, yet widely overlooked, role of gluons for spin transport with a connection to local parity violation in quark gluon plasmas. We extend the newly developed quantum kinetic theory for relativistic fermions to the case coupled with non-Abelian chromo-electromagnetic fields and employ this formalism to investigate the spin polarization of quarks under dynamically generated color fields in near-equilibrium quark gluon plasmas. It is found that the spin polarization could be induced by parity-odd correlators of color fields, which may dominate over collisional effects at weak coupling. Our result provides a possible explanation for the spin alignment of vector mesons measured in high-energy nuclear collisions and alludes to the connection with local parity violation.