CDVS Workshop: Intro to Tableau: Easy Charts & Maps

Tableau Public (available for both Windows and Mac) is incredibly useful free software that allows individuals to quickly and easily explore their data with a wide variety of visual representations, as well as create interactive web-based visualization dashboards. This workshop will focus on using Tableau Public to create data visualizations, starting with an overview of how the program thinks about data, common data manipulation and loading, and the terminology used. Activities will include a sample data visualization and mapping project, which will give people hands-on experience using Tableau's basic chart types and dashboard creation tools. We will also discuss publishing to the Tableau Public web server and related services and tools, like the full Tableau Desktop application (free for full-time students). This workshop is designed for beginners who might be comfortable with data and spreadsheets, but have no experience with Tableau, are curious about what it can do, and want to get a quick introduction so they can start playing on their own. This event is open to non-Duke participants.