Reunion Shabbat with Jewish Life at Duke
Kabbalat Shabbat Services & Dinner with Jewish Life at Duke
Freeman Center for Jewish Life, 1415 Faber St., Durham, NC 27705
We're so excited to welcome back our Duke alumni celebrating a reunion this year! Join Jewish Life at Duke students, staff, and Campus Rabbi Elana Friedman for the weekly campus Shabbat observance. Join us for a pluralistic Shabbat service at 6:00pm, including our favorite Duke tradition, Good Thing of the Week. A home-cooked kosher Shabbat dinner provided by the Freeman Center Café follows at 7:00pm after services. Alumni are welcome for all or part of the evening's events.
Please register in advance on the Duke Reunions website:
Not attending official Reunion Weekend activities but still want to join us? No problem. In lieu of registering, email with your RSVP count and any dietary restrictions.