Effective Data Visualization

Visualization is a powerful way to reveal patterns in data, attract attention, and get your message across to an audience quickly and clearly. But there are many steps in that journey, from exploration to information to influence, and many choices to make when putting it all together to tell your story. Dr. Monson will cover some basic guidelines for effective visualization, point out a few common pitfalls to avoid, and run through a critique and iterations of an existing visualization to help you start seeing better choices beyond the program defaults.
About Our Speaker
Eric Monson, PhD, is a data visualization specialist with the Duke University Libraries' Center for Data and Visualization Sciences. Although his degree is in applied physics, from 2007 until he joined CDVS in 2015, he collaborated with Duke faculty and graduate students from math to computational biology to art history, helping them transform, visualize, and understand their data. In his current position, he enjoys introducing people to important skills they need but were never trained in, whether that means teaching visual design and communication to scientists or helping humanists incorporate technology into their scholarship.
Where: Zoom https://duke.zoom.us/j/97295611072?pwd=b1FtVXFaRFREclFiTjNNRDZWVzg5Zz09
Meeting ID: 972 9561 1072
Passcode: 112233