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Author Conversation: 'Love Memory'

Love Memory by Fatimah Sellah
Wednesday, March 06, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Rev. Dr. Fatimah Salleh

The Rev. Racquel Gill, the Chapel's minister for intercultural engagement, hosts a conversation with the Rev. Dr. Fatimah Salleh about Salleh's new book "Love Memory: A Memoir and a Practice."

In "Love Memory," Dr. Salleh describes finding love abundant in the exceptional moments of the everyday and offers a splattering of her love stories. She shares what can be gathered from her own love memories, and what that love beckons from her in turn. The part of the book about practice shows how love memory works, both within the writer herself and within her beloved community.

Salleh was born in Brooklyn, New York to a Puerto-Rican and Malaysian mother and an African-American father. She received her PhD in mass communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She also earned a master's degree from Syracuse University in public communication and a master of divinity from Duke University. She launched the organization A Certain Work in 2018 to provide racial equity consultation and training for organizations and churches. In 2021, Salleh Ministries Inc, a religious nonprofit, was established to focus on clergy wellness and well-being. Both organizations are built upon a lasting commitment to equity, justice, and grace by being in "right relationship" with one another.

The event is co-sponsored by the Duke Divinity's Women's Center and Office of Black Church Studies.