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Curious about Book Arts: Learn simple techniques to get you started

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Monday, March 04, 2024
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Triangle Book Arts

Curious about Book Arts: Learn simple techniques to get you started

Co-sponsored by the Publishing Humanities Initiative, Franklin Humanities Institute

You are invited to learn about the rich variety of techniques and crafts that constitute the book arts by making projects at four stations at your own pace. With Sarah Ann Austin, you will learn to make paper from cotton rag and Abaca fibers. With Janet Guertin, you will learn a map fold and incorporate it into an accordion book. With Paul Keene, you will learn to sew a single-section binding with your choice of a variety of types of pamphlet stitches and put it in a cover to make an attractive book with decorative paper. Paul will also teach participants how to make a radial hinge/volvelle if there's time. At the fourth table, you can fold a zine two different ways, see examples of a variety of book art, and talk to the leaders of the local volunteer organization Triangle Book Arts. You will come away with some cool things you have made and lots of ideas for your own handmade publishing.

This is a community workshop open to all.

Short version:
Learn about the rich variety of techniques and crafts involved in the book arts at your own pace in a workshop with four artist stations. Book artists will teach introductory skills in papermaking, bookbinding (pamphlet stiches), connecting map and accordion structures, and folding a zine two ways, and you will come away with lots of ideas and some cool examples that you have made.

One-sentence version:
Learn about the rich variety of techniques and crafts involved in the book arts--from map folds and accordion structures to pamphlet bindings and even papermaking!--at your own pace in a workshop with four artist stations.

Contact: Anna Wallace