3C - Compassionate Care Conference - "More Than Meets the Eye: Unraveling the Psychiatric Manifestations of Maple Syrup Urine Disease"
"More Than Meets the Eye: Unraveling the Psychiatric Manifestations of Maple Syrup Urine Disease"
This conference will focus on a young woman with maple syrup urine disease to increase awareness of the complex intersections in neuropsychiatry and metabolic disorders.
- Nadia Falah, MD - Pediatric Physician, Genetics Fellow
- Allison Gibson, NP - Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
- Cina Sasannejad, MD - Critical Care Specialist, Neurologist
- Dwight Koeberl, MD, PhD - Professor of Pediatrics, Medical Genetics Specialist
Compassionate Care Conference (3C) is an interdisciplinary dialogue focused on
exploring the experience of being healthcare providers in unique, challenging,
and powerful situations. Through shared stories and conversation, these rounds
aim to strengthen our ability to be compassionate, resilient healers and
teammates as we deliver transformative care to our patients.
Please contact Amy Lee, MD (amy.lee@duke.edu) with questions.
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