2011 UNC-Duke Consortium in Latin American & Caribbean Studies Conference

Cost: Free, though registration is required by visiting http://clacs.aas.duke.edu/program//conferences/documents/registration2011ConsortiumConference.php
Bicentennial of ideals: dependence, independence, ...In 2010, at least eight Latin American countries celebrated the bicentennial of their independence. Two hundred years of ideals, struggles, victories, and defeats. Mexico also celebrated the centennial of its 1910 revolution. On Friday, the first Community Colleges Forum will take place at the John Hope Franklin Center. On Saturday, at the FedEx Global Education Center in UNC-Chapel Hill, panelists will deliver presentations from a great array of disciplines and perspectives on the two hundred years of autonomy and the current state of things in the region. Additionally, film screenings will complement three days of intense discussion and debate about the region.
Contact: Amy Vargas-Tonsi