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Challenges of the Current Peace Negotiation Process in Colombia

In the present, Colombia is facing an important conjuncture, largely shaped by the peace negotiation, taking place between the government and the FARC-EP. The current moment is a dispute over the meaning of the past, present and future of Colombia that includes a discussion about the type of society that each actor imagines. Consequently, the actual moment is defined by a series of political, cultural and ontological struggles. While political, economical, and cultural elites seem resistant to pursuing significant changes beyond the demobilization of the guerrillas and small reforms to the system; civil society, social movements (indigenous, afro-descendants, and peasants in particular), intellectuals, and some politicians are yearning for a historical moment that challenges the unequal social arrangements of Colombian society. This symposium aims to inform about the current conjuncture in Colombia, and tackles inquiries related with transition, peace and transformation. Some of the questions we will engage with are: What type of transition key actors, such as the State, guerrillas, intellectuals, political parties, ¿victims,¿ and an array of social movements envision? What are their strategies for implementing such a project? What should this ¿transition¿ be? What kind of peace are different actors constructing? How do they define and conceptualize peace and what are the main challenges that peace building has to face? A second day continues at UNC CH (see webpage for info)